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发表于 2005-2-5 09:18:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-2-5 13:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-2-5 15:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-5 18:49:00 | 显示全部楼层


Rawls Creek是水坝下游流入Saluda河的一条终年流动的河流,则当水坝损毁后在Rawls Creek将会出现多大的洪流,洪水的波及面将有多大?
S.C.国会大厦大楼在一座小山上,在S.C.国会大厦大楼能俯视Congaree 河。洪水能如此巨大顺流以致于水将扩展到S.C.国会大厦大楼吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-5 18:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
过路收费亭交通繁忙的收费公路,像Garden State Parkway, Interstate 95等,是多车道公路,被收费广场分割成一些区间。因为收取过路费通常情况下是不受欢迎的,所以人们都希望通过限制由收费广场带来的交通中断数量来使驾驶员的反感度最小化。一般说来,过路收费亭的数量要比进入收费广场的车道数量大的多。一进入收费广场,车流就会散开到更大数量的过路收费亭;而当离开收费广场时,要求车流再挤缩到与进入收费广场前相同数目的车道内。因此,当交通繁忙时,拥堵现象发生在距离广场一段距离处;当交通非常繁忙时,拥堵现象也会由于每辆车的所需交费时间而在收费广场的入口处发生。

做出一个模型来帮助你决定在设障收费广场配置的收费亭的最理想数目。详细考虑这一情形:每条车道有且只有一个收费亭。在什么样的条件下,这个情形比现在的实际情况或多或少的有效些? 注意, “最佳”的定义由你自己决定.

发表于 2005-2-5 19:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-2-7 20:18:00 | 显示全部楼层
问题A: 洪水计划
湖Murray 在中央南卡罗林纳由一个大土制水坝形成, 1930 年哪些被完成了为发电。 塑造水淹顺流在事件那里是破坏水坝的一次灾难地震。
Rawls 小河是流动入Saluda 河一短的距离downriver 从水坝的一条全年小河。 多少水淹将发生在Rawls 小河从水坝失败, 并且它多远将延伸?
能洪水是很巨型的顺流, 水会到达由S 决定。C 。 状态国会大厦大厦, 是哪些在小山俯视Congaree 河?
问题B: 收费站
Heavily-traveled 收费公路譬如庭院状态大路, 跨境95, 等等, 是被中断在间隔时间被通行费plazas 的multi-lane 分开的高速公路。 由于收集通行费通常是不得人心的, 它是中意使驾驶人心烦减到最小由限制相当数量交通中断由通行费plazas 造成。 共同地, 收费站的一个更大的数字比旅行车道的数量被提供进入通行费广场。 在进入通行费广场, 车流程扇动对收费站的更大的数量, 并且当离开通行费广场, 车流程必需紧压下来对一定数量的旅行车道相等与旅行车道的数量在通行费广场之前。 结果, 当交通是重的, 壅塞增加在离开从通行费广场。 当交通是非常重的, 壅塞并且修造在词条对通行费广场由于需时为各辆车支付通行费。

做一个模型帮助您确定收费站的优选的数量部署在障碍通行费广场。 明确地考虑有确切地一个收费站每接踵而来的旅行车道的情节。  在什么情况下这或多或少是有效比当前的实践? 注意定义"优选" 是由您决定确定。
发表于 2005-2-7 21:03:00 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2005-2-7 21:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-2-8 10:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-5 02:25:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2005 MCM Problems

PROBLEM A: Flood Planning
Lake Murray in central South Carolina is formed by a large earthen dam, which was completed in 1930 for power production. Model the flooding downstream in the event there is a catastrophic earthquake that breaches the dam.

Two particular questions:

Rawls Creek is a year-round stream that flows into the Saluda River a short distance downriver from the dam. How much flooding will occur in Rawls Creek from a dam failure, and how far back will it extend?

Could the flood be so massive downstream that water would reach up to the S.C. State Capitol Building, which is on a hill overlooking the Congaree River?

PROBLEM B: Tollbooths

Heavily-traveled toll roads such as the Garden State Parkway, Interstate 95, and so forth, are multi-lane divided highways that are interrupted at intervals by toll plazas. Because collecting tolls is usually unpopular, it is desirable to minimize motorist annoyance by limiting the amount of traffic disruption caused by the toll plazas. Commonly, a much larger number of tollbooths is provided than the number of travel lanes entering the toll plaza. Upon entering the toll plaza, the flow of vehicles fans out to the larger number of tollbooths, and when leaving the toll plaza, the flow of vehicles is required to squeeze back down to a number of travel lanes equal to the number of travel lanes before the toll plaza. Consequently, when traffic is heavy, congestion increases upon departure from the toll plaza. When traffic is very heavy, congestion also builds at the entry to the toll plaza because of the time required for each vehicle to pay the toll.

Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza. Explicitly consider the scenario where there is exactly one tollbooth per incoming travel lane.  Under what conditions is this more or less effective than the current practice? Note that the definition of  "optimal" is up to you to determine.



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